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The Mental Health Education and Counseling Service Center of the Ministry of Students and Works successfully held a psychological lecture of "Me and you - college students love rambling"
2011-06-01 19:02  

In order to help students understand the characteristics and rules of love psychology,Get your relationship attitude right,Establish a good love concept,Improve their ability to receive love, express love, develop love, and reject love,To have a positive, healthy and happy love life,The Mental Health Education and Counseling Service Center of the Ministry of Education and Work invited Professor Li Lihong, Doctor of psychology from Northeast Normal University,At 18:30 on May 31, 2011,In the University student Activity Center 403 for our students to carry out the theme of "me and you - college students love talk" psychological lecture。Teachers from the psychological counseling center, counselors from some departments and more than 300 students attended the lecture。

At the beginning of the lecture, Teacher Li Lihong first asked the audience to write down their own confusion and troubles in love and passed them to themselves. In just five minutes, Teacher Li received nearly 100 pieces of paper, which showed the concern and confusion of college students for love issues。Based on the three elements of love and attachment theory, Ms. Li gave a professional and detailed account of the psychological differences between the opposite sex, the personal growth in love, and the psychological adjustment after the breakup。Miss Li tells us that love is an important subject in the life of college students, so we must treat it carefully。Be fully prepared before falling in love,Develop a healthy love attitude,Not blindly and not in conformity;Try to be in love in a positive, healthy way,Have self-respect,Also be good at thinking from the other side's point of view;When love leaves,Scientific methods should be used for psychological counseling and adjustment,Get over the sadness as soon as possible,In order to better devote to life and study。Ms. Li's language is witty and wise, her communication and interaction with the students are sincere and cordial, the teaching content is practical and professional, and the case analysis is vivid and characteristic of The Times. The audience is deeply moved by her personal charm and gives thunderous applause from time to time。After the lecture, the students were not willing to leave, but still gathered around Teacher Li to discuss. They all said that after listening to Teacher Li's explanation today, they seemed to have a sense of enlightenment, which fundamentally solved many doubts and troubles about love before, and their hearts were suddenly enlightened. I hope to hear such excellent lectures in the future。

Love is respect, love is giving, love is ability, love is responsibility, mature, perfect love comes from a complete personality。It is hoped that students can take this lecture as a starting point to understand themselves deeply, constantly improve their personality, gradually establish and improve the concept of love and marriage, improve the ability to love themselves, be loved and love others, and then have a harmonious and happy life。

                            Miss Li Lihong gave a lecture to the students

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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


Add: 320 College Student Activity Center, East Campus, Northeast Dianli University, 169 Changchun Road, Jilin City, Jilin Province, China Postcode: 132012