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The school held "Love in Tepco, call with you" double Eleven series of psychological theme activities
2021-11-12 16:48  

  In order to help students establish a correct view of love and learn to establish and maintain close relationships, the Mental Health Education and Counseling Service Center of the Department of Students and Works carried out a series of psychological themed activities with the theme of "Love in Tepco, calling with you" in the school from November 8 to 11。

  The event was divided into four parts。The first part is "The Art of Love" reading sharing session。On November 8, Liu Junchi, a graduate student in the School of Psychology of Northeast Normal University, led the students to enter the inner world of the psychology master Fromm in B502, learning the "art of love" and looking for a loving partner。Teacher Liu began with the analysis of the word "love",Together with the students, we discussed the misunderstanding of love, several common false love and the true meaning of love,The students came to understand that love is an art through communication and sharing,An ability to work from the inside out,You need to constantly learn to express trust, respect and love,Finally, the ability to form love。

  The second part is a lecture on love psychology。On November 9, our school invited associate Professor Wang Qian of Harbin Institute of Technology to hold an online psychological lecture for our students. The lecture was entitled "Teaching you to talk about 'practice' love - The Establishment and maintenance of college students' intimate relationship". It was watched by more than 1500 people。The lecture was divided into three parts: interpreting the love code, improving the ability to love, and cultivating the responsibility of love. It analyzed the positive coping methods in intimate relationships for everyone in a simple way, greatly enriched the students' psychological theoretical knowledge in love and intimate relationships, and effectively helped students solve common problems in intimate relationships。

  The third part is psychological propaganda activities。On November 10, the psychological center carried out a psychological publicity activity of "Love in Tepco, calling with you" on the first floor of the second education。The activity venue was crowded, and the students had a deeper understanding and understanding of love in the process of participating in the "love tree", love test and love interview。

The fourth part is the love group psychological counseling。In order to help students establish a healthy concept of love and form a correct way of falling in love, the psychological center will also hold love group psychological counseling for singles and couples recruited at the publicity event site, to help students give themselves a sense of security and make intimate relationships better。

  The "Love in Tepco" series of activities has further enhanced students' ability to feel love, and has played a positive role in cultivating students to establish and improve intimate relationships。

Reading Sharing Session (1)

Reading Sharing Session (2)

Online psychology lecture

Promotional Event Site (1)

Publicity Event Site (2)

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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


Add: 320 College Student Activity Center, East Campus, Northeast Dianli University, 169 Changchun Road, Jilin City, Jilin Province, China Postcode: 132012