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Overcome procrastination: Do time management group coaching successfully concluded
2022-12-12 01:55  

In order to help students overcome procrastination, improve their awareness of time management, enhance their sense of control over life, fully mobilize their enthusiasm for life and learning, and improve efficiency, the Psychological Counseling Center held a network group counseling "Overcoming Procrastination: Being a time Manager" on December 8, 2022, 18:30-20:30。

This group psychological counseling activity includes warm-up activities, theme activities, harvest and feeling three parts。The "snowball" game of the warm-up activity allowed the students to break the unfamiliar barrier and quickly establish a sense of community;Themed activities such as "Priority List Method", "WOOP Method", "Micro Customary Law" and "Four quadrants of time Method" made every student understand the importance of time management。

By explaining the knowledge of time management such as the "four quadrants of time", Mr. Zhang Li helped the students establish short-term, medium-term and long-term goals in real life. Under the guidance of the goals, he classified things according to the four quadrants of urgency and importance to effectively manage time and avoid procrastination。In the sharing stage of each link, the students were able to seriously analyze, actively speak, honestly share their emotional feelings, and said that they benefited a lot。

Through this group counseling, the students have benefited a lot, not only in the group to help the body and mind pleasure, more importantly, master the method of time management, improve the efficiency of life and learning。

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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


Add: 320 College Student Activity Center, East Campus, Northeast Dianli University, 169 Changchun Road, Jilin City, Jilin Province, China Postcode: 132012