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Love Yourself, From Now on - "Self-Love, Don't Wait"
2014-11-19 16:43  

Self-love, No Need to Wait

Author: Plain black

Publishing House: Citic Press

Category: Gender/Marriage

Brief introduction of contents:  

You're not here to see me. You're here to see yourself。——素黑   

"Self-love, Don't Wait" is like a mirror to the truth, allowing readers to learn to truly love themselves in the process of understanding the reality of "love.。The book revolves around 18 major propositions of life such as "cultivation", "calm", "growth" and "love", telling readers: Love yourself, start from seeing yourself。  

"Self-love, No need to wait" is a gift to readers in the new generation, every sentence in the book, as long as you read on, is a new starting point。  

Love yourself right now。

About the author:  


A woman on both coasts and in three places。The most influential self-healing writer in the Chinese-speaking world。He is known as the first person to "transmit love to the world with legendary energy and heal love"。


Life management consultant, psychotherapist, essayist, traveler, website program director, cutting-edge art planner, theater manager, music creator, college teacher, Slow food activist。    


Love black, love vegetarian, love nature。Think simple life is the best, live on a quiet island in busy Hong Kong。Like a person, like hugging trees, like shakuhachi。    


Develop therapy that combines sound, form and art;Founded Guanyin centering and black hole therapy;He has been invited to give public speeches at home and abroad, and run acoustic therapy workshops and professional emotional self-therapy courses。

Recommended by Editor:  

It's been too long since we've been happy without reservation。  

In the concrete and steel city, are you often impetuous, anxious emotions wrapped, can not breathe freely?Do you feel the vast sea of humanity, but it is always difficult to find a friend, the heart has nothing to rely on?  

Black so say to you: Love yourself the first condition is not to bear what, but to know how to put down: put down the face, put down the confusion, do not ask the reason to first strong their own body。Return to the details of life, no matter how the encounter and mood, we have the responsibility to eat a good meal, sleep a good night's sleep, take care of themselves, clean up themselves。  

Breathing is life, living is happiness。  

With the plain black text to think, to wander, got a safe home heart。Then, unconsciously learned to love themselves。  

Shen Xing, Li Xinpin, Hao Lei, Peng Haoxiang, Lu Yongren, Lu to the heart of the three places warm resonance, moved to share。

Media commentary 

Shenxing Phoenix TV famous host 

I read the black book several times and bought dozens of books, will continue to buy, always put a handbag, many friends when I read, can not help but borrow to read, hands do not let go, how good, they see the spirit, I will give it。The resonance of the book with the reader is the most rare。Every sentence in plain black, as long as you read on, is a new starting point;To begin a close reading of any chapter is to set out for a more beautiful mind。

Pang Ho-cheung is a famous Hong Kong director  

So black is Moses who leads the reader through the Red Sea of love。    

Lu Yixin film "Jiao in Spring and Zhi Ming" scriptwriter and writer 

Plain black text, warm the broken heart on the road, clear the selfish desires of everyone's heart, let people regain the confidence to love, is a veritable black magic。 


Everyone in the heart, there is a called "black" of their own。——Jolin  

Read two black books, cry one, wake up one。——老姚  

When I read the Vajrayna Prajna Sutra, I thought of Suhei and felt that it was really beautiful to be her contemporary。——禅  

In you, I see the dignity of life, real respect and care, which determines how we live。——clickflash

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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


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