Psychological counseling center
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 Learning and training 
Learning and training
Current Location: 首页>>Team building>>Learning and training
· [Learning and training] The school held a lecture on the psychological theme of "Improving oneself and growing together" 2020-10-26 
· [Learning and training] The school held a lecture on the psychological theme of "Being the guardian of students' hearts" 2020-09-16 
· [Learning and training] Our school held a seminar on the work of psychology committee members 2020-01-02 
· [Learning and training] Student Affairs Department held student staff psychological work case sharing exchange meeting 2019-04-18 
· [Learning and training] Psychological crisis prevention and intervention skills training was successfully completed 2019-01-17 

· [Learning and training] The school held the 18th student and worker Forum 2018-12-29 
· [Learning and training] The school held a working meeting on students' mental health education 2018-11-11 
· [Learning and training] The Department of Student Affairs successfully held the 2018 instructor vocational competence training 2018-06-28 
· [Learning and training] The psychological counseling center held a work meeting of psychological associates 2018-04-12 
· [Learning and training] The Psychological counseling center held the work meeting of the student psychological assistant in the second semester 2016-2017 2017-03-30 

· [Learning and training] The psychological counseling center held a work meeting of the department's student psychological assistant 2015-11-09 
· [Learning and training] The students and workers of our school attended the keynote lecture on the technology of life crisis intervention on campus 2015-04-09 
· [Learning and training] Psychological counseling center held the department of student psychological assistant work deployment meeting 2015-03-20 
· [Learning and training] The Mental Health Education and Counseling Service Center held a seminar for faculty and Department student mental health education assistants 2014-11-07 
· [Learning and training] The training of psychology commissar of the class of 2013 was successfully concluded 2013-12-19 
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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


Add: 320 College Student Activity Center, East Campus, Northeast Dianli University, 169 Changchun Road, Jilin City, Jilin Province, China Postcode: 132012